What Animals can we hunt Shaykh Uthman
Which business has the most barakah in Dunya & Hereafter acc to the Sunnah
Washed Najis and clean clothes in washing machine with soap Shaykh Uthman
Is All Seafood Halal - Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq
Can I raise my hands when making general dua
Father talks to relatives on speaker I hear conversation in my room Is it spying
Is imagining an image of Allah & worshipping it kufr
New & Exclusive - Question and Answer - Shaykh Uthman ibn Farooq #1
Can I recite ruqya silently
Non mahram accidentally saw my face without niqab should I pray 2 rakahs tawbah
Can we put a steel plate to identify one's grave by putting his Name, DOB, Bio
If I eat in odd numbers will I be rewarded & is it sunnah
Can we combine prayer of repentance (Tawbah) with Fard prayer
If I don't send salutations on Prophet ﷺ before making dua, will dua be rejected
Is it permissible to buy products made in collaboration with Rappers, actors etc
When do I stop praying when my water breaks or when labor starts
My wudu broke but I continued praying Isha & prayed for 4 days are prayers valid
Is it permissible to study Acting, Performing Arts, Creative Writing in West
Is editing the CV to make it appear like I've skills for the job, cheating
I keep repeating Fatiha in salah due to mistakes in makhraj, what should I do
I heard the Salaf would be happy with good & bad Qadr
Can I advise people who are chatting on mixed chat as it could lead to haram
Parents are against him marrying a revert convert
Indian govt introduced RS 2000 women scheme, is it considered bribe, can we take