Can we backbite a person who works for us
She can't understand why muslim girl avoid place with boys, alcohol haram things
Can I still pray Tahajjud if I already prayed Witr
Sitting with people doing innovation biddah, will I get same sins as them
Company making website to buy & sell gold online Cn I work there
Pray tahiyatul masjid or fard salah when I enter the masjid
Can we backbite a person who works for us
Can I give charity sadaqah to a masjid that does biddah innovation
Can I inherit my kafir parents & can I attend their funeral
How to ask for forgiveness for a major sin
Beware of Apps (Investment, Business) that are not Sharia compliant
While doing ghusl if some semen comes out, is ghusl valid
Will a woman receive the same reward as men if she comes early to Friday prayer
Can I kiss my cat on the face, lips
If I hear adhan in moving car Must I go to the masjid to pray in congregation
Masjid has a grave in its garden, (within masjid boundary) can we pray there
I want to look for a muslim International husband to do hijrah, what steps take
Can old women take off their hijab & niqab in front of non mahram men
Lighter Abayas are slightly transparent at ankles Is this permissible to wear
Playing multi player games online (males females) halal Lego shooting game
Can old women take off their hijab & niqab in front of non mahram men
Can a person use only toilet paper 2 purify himself even if water is available
If I pray in a room where there's a toilet, must I close the toilet door
How to think positively of Allah when making dua if we fear He will reject it