Fear of falling into zina cuz parents are delaying nikah till he can afford
Assim Al Hakeem
What are the signs of a sealed heart
Assim Al Hakeem
Invested in Marijuana but laws changed, its used as recreational drugs, what do?
Assim Al Hakeem
Free mixing cousins sleep in same room, say we're like brothers sisters
Assim Al Hakeem
Lower my gaze or look through girls - Problems of lowering the gaze in West
Assim Al Hakeem
Front row is full, can I pull someone back or form new row
Assim Al Hakeem
How to respond to Muslims who say Bless You instead of Yarhamuk Allah whensneeze
Assim Al Hakeem
Is It Haram To Not Get Married?
Bilal Assad
Sheikh Assim said meat in West is halal when US is not even Christian country
Assim Al Hakeem
Is it permissible to eat while reclining on our bed or on Lazy boy chair
Assim Al Hakeem
Is it permissible to wear animal print clothes or animal skin
Assim Al Hakeem
Ruling on investing haram money on halal business or project
Assim Al Hakeem
My child passes & plays in front of me while I'm praying, is my prayer valid?
Assim Al Hakeem
Is it ok if I hide my jail time & deportation from my potential wife?
Assim Al Hakeem
How can a person maintain high level of iman throughout his life?
Assim Al Hakeem
Can muslims who live in poverty migrate to the US for a better living?
Assim Al Hakeem
Is Islamic Coin halal? ( Crypto Currency )
Assim Al Hakeem
Why is trimming beard more than a fist length haram when Companions did it?
Assim Al Hakeem
Wife works so I have to take my child to Friday jummah, can I pray home?
Assim Al Hakeem
Is it permissible to prolong the adhan & make it melodious?
Assim Al Hakeem
How to respond to non-muslims who say there are errors in Islamic law?
Assim Al Hakeem
I don't want to have hoor in jannah cause I love my wife very much...
Must I force my family members to pray & wake them up or let them sleep?
Assim Al Hakeem
Can We Pray Behind An Imam Who Believes Allah Is Everywhere?
Assim Al Hakeem